In a clinical situation such that "Conditions of infertility."
From the past, there has been invented and developed technology to assist infertile all along. Many ways such as making children a gift tube made soy taxi or other means. We have been known.
But as of today, the latest technology to help people with infertility, it has developed a line across the origin of life comes naturally to the set to be viable in the laboratory. On the culture plate. And external fetal care at a distance. And grow into an embryo at the stage ready to be embedded into the uterus. Is deposited back into the womb by natural growth. This is a technology called "Blast Cyst growth culture."
What is Blast Cyst growth.
After the egg and sperm during fertilization. It is a single cell embryo. Known as Seiko, safe (Zygote) has been the nucleus of the egg sperm The chromosomes of both the mother and father each of 23 fertilized eggs, which then. To phase embryo via cell division, a multiplication of a single cell is a 2 cell 4 cell 8 cell together tightly to pack the cells as child Annona called Compacted stage embryo and then to develop a mild late stage are ready to embed Belarus, known as the Governance Cyst.
The term "Blast Belarus Cyst" is called the embryonic period with growth for a period of 5 days and the cells in this phase of growth clearly separated. It is divided into two groups, one is a child or Inner cell mass cells (Inner cell mass) that will develop as the body. The other group of cells that surround a child is a cell phone cord or older pay C Dirk mm. (Tropectoderm), which will be embedded.
Governance Belarus Cyst is a single term fetus was associated with most Because the cells are young and placental cells.
From the embryonic stage Governance Belarus Cyst full well will begin drilling from the outer layer is covered by the end of the sixth day. This shell is called. AZ Place Blue City Da (Zona pellucida) and within 24 hours after the embryo stage Governance Belarus Cyst puncture from the shell already, it will be embedded into the lining of the uterus of the mother caused a pregnancy. to complete.

MD. Amrny. Gold direction Thongyai said.
"The major problem was. Cells can not develop until Governance Belarus Cyst. It is likely to have died in transit. If the fetus is not a perfect light 10 will come to Belarus Cyst governance has a few 3-5 less, respectively. But can not say that any person will be a soft governance Belarus Cyst number of more or less. Depends on the ability of human embryos that. Governance that he has a big Cyst that grow well because it is much less. But when the cells developed the governance, Belarus has Cyst. It means that there will be a child with a high Or a higher chance of pregnancy. "
Blast Cyst growth culture.
Blast growing techniques Cyst culture is culture from fertilized embryos outside the body for a long time about 5 days until the embryo growth phase Blast Cyst growth and ready to be embedded in the uterus.
The Doctor Gold direction. Definition of governance, Belarus Cyst easily understand a culture that
"Blast Cyst growth is bringing out the natural processes to raise. And select embryos with the best quality. Which resulted in high rates of pregnancy and the baby is completely healthy. "
Because most of the goals of therapy with growth Blast Cyst culture is to culture the embryo with the best quality and can be embedded with the growth in the uterus after the baby was wearing. The importance of this technology lies in raising the young to grow over 5 days in the lab was completely under proper control. To get a complete healthy embryos. Before being buried in the fetal back.

Technology Blast Cyst growth culture.
Prior to treatment with older technology Blast Cyst culture. Require a physical examination of both the male and the female to determine the availability of three important factors namely eggs and sperm uterus.
Solution: Make sure that the lady is still a normal egg from the ovary. And make sure that the hormones in the body is ready to receive medication to make to encourage ovulation, rather than a bubble.
Sperm: the sperm that make abnormal or not. The number of sperm and sperm shape.
Assessment of the uterus by injecting colored X-Ray or by sending a camera to see the condition that no tumor Are more desirable. To interfere with implantation of the embryo. Or cause difficulties in embedding. And measurement of uterine length, because to know the depth of the uterus while the fetus enter the growth phase Blast Cyst returned to the uterus or the culture from the cervix and uterus to check for infection that could be dangerous. The growth of the embryo and check the thickness of the lining of the uterus that is in phase with the embryo embedded good or not. If the lining of the uterus is very thin will result in lower pregnancy rates. A doctor may make hormone estrogen supplements. If the lining of the uterus too thin.

When you're ready all respects. Comes to making governance Belarus Cyst by
1. To stimulate egg and monitored the growth of the egg.
Methods or principles to stimulate multiple eggs that are appropriate depends on the individual patient. Some times doctors may choose to give medication nasal spray (Buseraline) before menstruation for about one week and continued to spray at the time of egg activation. Nasal spray drug helps ovulation does not occur prematurely, and also helps stimulate egg every leaf is a similar very smart. After the drug nasal spray (Buseraline) ovaries have failed to produce eggs naturally. Until the drug is used to stimulate egg hormone called Follicle Stimulation Hormone, or FSH with a brief that will be given until the eggs are ready. The audit, using ultrasound.

When doctors deem Eggs are ready. To stop injecting drugs stimulate egg and stop the nasal spray about 34-36 hours before piercing the egg. To provide access to the process of selection for egg fertilization. Monitoring the growth of the eggs thoroughly and can predict the time to penetrate the egg properly. Will have solved a lot of good quality.
2. Puncture the egg.
When the egg is ready to penetrate the egg. Using a small needle puncture through the vaginal wall into the ovary. And suck out the eggs stored. The amount of eggs will depend on the response of the body, individual patient is not the same. (The average is about 10-20 leaves).

3. Preparation of sperm
Your doctor will perform a selection of healthy sperm, and is moving well into the fertilized egg. Sperm will be cleaned using cleaning solution used by sperm. And to filter out sperm that sterile clean and very capable to penetrate the egg mixture to achieve fertilization. Processes. Be made in the laboratory before being mixed with an egg on the plate trial.
4. Fertilized outside the body.
After drilling out the eggs. Oocytes will be stored in the reagents used in embryo culture. This will complete the egg. Within two to three hours. When preparing the sperm successfully. It is mixed with an egg, which is used only sperm. 50000-100000. Only one leaf for eggs. It is the way of those who were less likely to make sperm and eggs were fertilized in the laboratory. When the egg has been fertilized and will be kept in a special solution for embryo culture in the laboratory until the age of five special control on the embryo developed to term governance Belarus Cyst.
5. To enter the embryo.
Embryos are put back into the uterus using a special plastic tube is small and soft. Inserted through the vagina and through the cervix into the uterus. Choose a soft place at the top of the uterus. After successfully enter the embryo. Patient recovery time is only 2 hours I can go home. In this period the embryo begins embedded as the most important. Serious concern because patients are often afraid to fail. The hormone levels decrease. Pregnancy may be problematic.
The number of larvae that enter into it depends on the quality of the embryo. Currently only 1-2 larvae enter the only chance of pregnancy to twins less
6. Care After entering the embryo.
To make Governance Belarus Cyst. Culture will be successful or not, it is the result of this range. The doctor will give vaginal suppository Progesterone is a hormone to increase your chances of embryo implantation. And blood hormone levels to detect child If the hormone increased. And two weeks will be examined ultrasound. And the Pediatric Cardiac arrest. Pregnancy is considered normal.
All of this is the process, assisted by medical science to achieve pregnancy. Those admitted to the technical governance Belarus Cyst culture. Must be made to mental stress is not comfortable to maintain the body's hormone levels constant. Because of concern or stress will cause abnormal hormone levels. Affect pregnancy.
One thing that this branch of medical science to enhance the examination of the chromosomes prior to embryo put back into the uterus. Medical examination can be determined from the chromosomes of cells placental children. Be sure they are aware of chromosomal abnormalities of chromosomes from the start. The selection of embryos to the embryo is healthy. Have normal chromosomes. Continue to grow as a child was stronger. Free from diseases caused by chromosomal abnormalities.
This is a new technology. Scratched the surface of the support of infertility. With success rates as high as 50-60%, but by whom. Still have a chance to have children from this technology.
Immersion light coagulation.
Because of a growing Blast Cyst time. Doctors have to stimulant eggs Result in more quantity of eggs. To be fertilized. The eggs are then fertilized. Can it be frozen. Because the chances of the embryo is not embedded exists. Immersion light hardens to expect a new baby was embedded. Without having to return to start the process of piercing the egg. But the embryos that are frozen embryos to be thawed out. And put back into the uterus. But in each embryo is dissolved. Embryo survival is approximately 60-70% only.
Treatment period by feeding larvae Blast Cyst growth and put back into the uterus as a method suitable for everyone? Infertility.
Indications for therapy with growth Blast Cyst culture are.
1. To stimulate egg with a number of eggs around 80-10 cards often have higher chances of pregnancy. Whether the female is very young or even.
2. Husband and wife who had been a failure in treatment with other methods before. Of therapy with growth Blast Cyst culture. The solution that can grow the embryo to term growth Blast Cyst culture or not.
3. Infertility that can not be explained. May be explained by this treatment.
4. Husband and wife who do not want to risk pregnancy with lots of baby twins.
Does anyone still have a chance ...
Patients with problems of the fallopian tube. Patients with fallopian tube obstruction or the fallopian tubes are cut off because of abdominal uterus. Or membrane occurs in severe pelvic floor. Or who can not be pregnant. After receiving the fallopian tube surgery. If such patients are appropriate indications for therapy with growth Blast Cyst culture. Due to the process that occurs in the fallopian tube out to all external.
Patients with problems of moderate or severe sperm in keeping with the V-Blast Cyst growth culture. The process of preparing the sperm. The use of special effects to make sperm can filter out only the good quality mixed with egg. Or of how to inject sperm only one into the egg directly called the Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection, or soy Taxi (ICSI), so therapy with Blast Belarus Cyst culture is that way. appropriate for patients who have problems with sperm quality, or no small amount of sperm production.
Endometrial growth, or to identify the wrong place at the Rio Mate Sys. (Endometriosis) is the cause of the wrong shape or the membrane occurs in the pelvic organs. Of therapy with growth Blast Cyst culture allows eggs and sperm are fertilized in the environment without endometrial growing anomalous Then put the fetus back into the uterus directly. Choosing how to treat people with problems. Endometriosis. Depending on the severity of the disease and treatment history in the past. What to give special attention to is the ability of the ovaries to produce eggs and hormones.
Infertility caused by the body's immune. Fertilization outside the body help the sperm to escape from the destruction of the immune system of the female body is understood that the sperm as foreign. White blood cells are created to catch to eat.
Infertility that can not be explained. In patients who do not respond to other treatment methods. How big Blast Cyst culture would be an appropriate solution that is used to aid fertility in couples with a situation like this. Fertilization outside the body making it demonstrates the ability of sperm to penetrate into the fertilized eggs and more It also allows us to see the steps. Of growth of the embryo that is wrong how An amount not less that infertility can not be described as caused by abnormal eggs and sperm.
Technology related to Blast Belarus Cyst culture.
Ing Taxi (ICSI. : Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection) is a technique to make eggs and sperm microscopic procedure of using a single sperm into the suction cup small needle. To see with the naked eye can not see. Then use the needle to penetrate the egg and the sperm injection needle into the egg. Resulting in fertilization. The agency to make soy can help identify patterns in the case where the male has very few sperm.
Helping to penetrate the shell of the soft "Assisted Hatching" is the process of helping the embryo from the shell can penetrate more easily. The embryos can be embedded easily. The larvae penetrate the skin to use for the laser. Drilling holes in the shell of the embryo growth phase Blast Cyst in contrast to the cell children. Therefore, the laser will not destroy the child cell. Drilling holes in the shell of the embryo to allow the embryo from the shell this Your doctor will recommend the use of non-pregnant patients from the treatment of the past. In the case of a very old lady. FSH or testosterone levels high.
Jose Tech (TESE. : Testicular sperm Extraction) is a small operation. The process is easy. The tissue is cut out some small part. Or use a small needle. Absorption of testicular tissue to detect the sperm This will be done under the anesthetic, or sleeping pills to injecting into the bloodstream. Sperm was detected will be injected into the egg by the process of making the TESE ICSI is used when no sperm in the male sperm to send out. Which may be caused by a blockage of the sperm duct is cut or some of the sperm duct (vasectomy).
Fertilization outside the body. In-Vitro. Fertilization or IVF means "fertilization of eggs and sperm outside the body" because of the fertilized outside the body for the first time that a clean test tube using sterile eggs and sperm are mixed together. Fertilization has occurred in vitro. But now switched to the culture dish that allows young scientists to work more convenient.
However, treatment with cultured embryonic stage Blast Cyst growth and put back into the uterus is still limited. In some cases, no embryo growth to the growth phase Blast Cyst is it. Which may arise from the quality of the eggs or sperm quality. That no embryo is put back to it may be that the regret or disappointment. But to have the party outside the embryo that give the answer that the embryos stop growing at any step. Or fertilization occurs or not. How to have a solution. Or fix it or not. These things would be better to enter the embryo stage is four to eight cells. Then wait for the results of pregnancy with anxiety or expectation of pregnancy. And when not pregnant, there is no reason. Or the answer to that caused by anything.
[Source .. book Magazine, Volume 26, near the Dr. August 8, 2546].
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